Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Sorry :(

Alright everyone I lied... I won't be creating a blog like I said last night because im very sick :( I will be posting up some cool info tomorrow though if i get better... i promise :)

but for now just enjoy this awesome pic for just reading my blog, because
Your Awesome!!

See you all tomorrow

Peter Moreau

Monday, 28 March 2011

First Post

Alright everyone it's 10:15pm and I have finally completed my blog spot... i will be coming up with some blogs that are fun and cool everyday (hopefully, if I'm not busy), and ill be creating some videos in the future... because it's a hell lot better to watch and listen then to read a frickin' blog... am i right? alright everyone, my days of blogging has finally started see you all tomorrow when i get back from school, and ill be posting up some cool info.

For now I'm signing off!
